Friday 2 October 2015

JK Theatre Arts become an Award Finalist!

We received some wonderful news this week that we have made it through to the final stage of the KalliKids 2015 awards in the Best Theatre Class category.

Out of over 1,200 children's activity and service providers across the UK, 190 fantastic clubs, classes, places to go and tutors had been nominated by parents for the 18 awards. The categories range from Mum and Baby and pre-school activities, to sports, theatre, photography and holiday camps.

Kallikids support the providers helping them to achieve their own mission to inspire children and improve the quality of children's activities and services in the UK.

Jo Greenhalgh, a JK parent said that her son “has been going (to JK) since he was 4 and my girls have now moved into Mini Movers. They absolutely love JK. They all really enjoy the classes and I love the personal touch the staff give. The JK staff are always happy to report back how the class went and make you as parents feel very much included. I always look forward to the end of term show."

The judge for the Best Theatre Class category will now begin their assessment of each of the 3 finalists to determine the overall winner. Winner to be announced in October.

JK Director, Kim Wright says “We are absolutely ecstatic at the news and as always will endeavour to continue building a company that nurtures creativity and encourages self-confidence in young people. The whole team have everything crossed now! “

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