Sunday, 19 April 2015

Save the Date for Summer 2015!

Every year, Summer workshops are held in August during the school Summer holidays. At the end of every workshop, participants put on an entertaining musical show for parents and friends which showcase the drama, dance and singing learnt during the workshop week.

This is a great opportunity to not only learn new performance skills but to make new friends and have a fantastic time in a safe, nurturing and fun packed environment.Workshops are open to all and no prior experience is necessary. An enthusiasm to explore drama, dance and singing within a creative team is a must!

Workshop titles to be released in the coming weeks. Places are always in demand so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Early Years (4-6yrs)
Date: Tuesday 11th - Thursday 13th August 2015
Time: 9.30-12.30pm
Location: Guide Hall, Burgess Hill
Cost is £50 per student and £40 per sibling

Main School (6-18yrs)
Date: Tuesday 11th -Friday 14th August 2015
Time: 10am-3pm (except Friday 10am-4pm for a performance after 3pm)
Location: Scout HQ, Burgess Hill
Cost is £95 per student and £85 per sibling

Early drop off and late stay options also available for an additional £5 per child per hour of the workshop day.

10% EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT - Book and pay in full before 15th May and receive a 10% discount.

For booking info please contact the school director Kim on 07504 059640 or email

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