Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Summer 2014- Save the Date!

JK Theatre Arts Summer workshops 2014

Mini Movers- 4-6yrs

Wednesday 6th - Friday 8th August 2014
Location: Burgess Hill
Time: 9.30am-12.30pm
Cost: Early Bird £35 per student & £25 per sibling
After 30th April £45 per student & £35 per sibling

Stage School 6-18yrs

Tuesday 12th - Friday 15th August 2014
Location: Downlands School, Hassocks
Time: 10am-3pm (except Friday when the finish time will be 5pm)
Cost: Early Bird £75 per student & £65 per sibling
After 30th April £90 per student & £80 per sibling

Both workshops are a fantastic opportunity for young people to learn new skills and work as a team, discovering their own versatility and giving them the inspiration to develop their theatre skills. Parents will be invited to a costume performance on the last day of each workshop.

Early bird prices available until 30th May 2014. Sibling discounts available on request. To book a place please contact us at info@jktheatrearts.com or 07504059640

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