Monday, 18 November 2013

Explore the 'Theatre' in JK Theatre Arts

We are inviting all young people to attend for a complimentary theatre session exploring drama, dance and singing at JK Theatre Arts. The next Experience Days are January 2014. Choose from a selection of classes below.

Entertain, Energise and Empower!


2.00 - 2.45pm ​- JK Tiny Toes (Pre-school 3yrs - 4yrs)
3.45 - 4.45pm - ​JK Mini Movers (4yrs - 6yrs)
5.00 - 6.30pm​ - Prep Musical Theatre (6yrs - 9yrs)


4.15 - 6.45pm ​Main Theatre School (6yrs - 18yrs)
6.45 - 8.30pm ​Private Tuition

2.00 - 2.45pm ​JK Tiny Toes (Pre-school 3yrs - 4yrs)
3.45 - 4.45pm ​JK Mini Movers (4yrs - 6yrs)
4.45 - 5.45pm ​JK Mini Movers (4yrs - 6yrs)
6.00 - 7.30pm ​Private Tuition

Tiny Toes 3-4 Years
This session will focus on your little one's voice, co-ordination and rhythm alongside learning their favourite dances and songs, whilst having lots of fun!

Mini Movers 4-6 Years
An hour of laugh and play for the children who cannot stop entertaining! The class is infused with creativity, enabling the children to learn dance, singing and acting in an enjoyable way.

Prep Musical Theatre 6-9 Years
A 1hr 30 minute session exploring dance, singing and acting within a creative environment. The session is designed to encourage children to build on their social & communicative skills whilst learning musical theatre techniques.

Main Theatre School 6-18 Years
A energetic and vibrant 2hr 30 minute session with classes in dance, singing and acting. Expanding on creative imagination, theatrical expression and exploration.

If you would like to book your child a complimentary place for one of the Experience Sessions above then please contact us at your earliest convenience. Pre booking is required to attend.

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