Discover the powerful art of storytelling exploring imaginative & innovative ideas to culminate in staged performance. "If you are going to get anywhere in life you need to read a lot of books."-Roald Dahl
Mini Movers
6th - 8th August from 9.30am-12.30pm in Burgess Hill
Open to 4-6 years
Cost: Early Bird booking £30 per student/£25 per sibling
Cost after this date £40 per student/£35 per sibling
Main School
12th - 15th August from 10am-3pm at Downlands School,Hassocks
Open to 6-18 years
Cost: Early Bird booking £80 per student/£70 per sibling
Cost after this date £90 per student/£80 per sibling
Following on from the success of our previous JK workshops in 2013, we would like to continue providing creative opportunities for young people to learn new skills and work as a team. Encouraging them to discover their own versatility and giving them the inspiration to develop their theatre skills.
Our workshops are open to everyone with no previous experience neccesary. Parents will be invited to a costumed performance on the last day of each workshop.
Early bird prices available until 30th May 2014. To book a place please contact us at info@jktheatrearts.com or 07504059640